Thursday, September 18, 2014

Berry College Eagles

Last year, we watched the Berry College Eagle Cam.  The parent eagles laid two eggs.  One hatched, and we were able to see the eaglet grow up and then fly away.  This year, the parent eagles are back.  The eagle cam is back up and working.  On September 11, the eagles were seen sleeping in the nest.  Please visit the eagle cam often to keep up to date on their behaviors.  We will check it from time to time in LEAD as well.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Kindergarten - Primary & Secondary Colors

In Kindergarten, we used primary colored gels to create the secondary colors.

Fourth Grade - Lava Lamps

Fourth Grade learned about the density of liquids by combining oil and water to create lava lamps.  We also discussed how it is a good thing that oil is less dense than water in the case of an oil spill.  Lastly, we used alka seltzer tablets to make the lava lamp come "alive."  The alka seltzer bubbles of carbon dioxide gas take some of the colored water through the oil to create a lava lamp effect.

Fourth Grade - Science of Sports - Football

Fourth Grade is learning about the physics of football.  We measured our "levers" (our arms), our release point (height with arm extended overhead), and then threw outside.  We discussed how our arm is a simple machine called a lever with three pivot points (wrist, elbow, and shoulder).