Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Touch Math

Kindergarten through Second Grade will be learning about touchpoints and how to use them in math this year.  First grade created the following numbers to display the placement of the touchpoints.

LEGO Education

Fifth grade has been building the goal kicker.  Our challenge was to see what program could kick the ball the farthest.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Water Bottles

In LEAD, we use empty water bottles for many projects.  Please bring them to school.  There is a box outside of my door for them.  Thank you.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Bubbling Into School

We experimented with "Dancing Raisins."  When raisins are put in a carbonated drink, then they will rise up on the bubbles.  Once they pop, then they will sink.  We discussed what buoyancy means.
We created a chemical reaction with vinegar and baking soda.  The bi-product of carbon dioxide is what filled the balloon to make it self inflate.